Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I can imagine that singing the Sacred Harp would be quite thrilling....not for the words, per se, but more for the epic nature of the sound. Most Sacred Harp songs are about the extremes of joy or anguish. This is the kind of music you imagine was sung in remote areas of the country hundreds of years ago. It's one of those branches of "Soul Music" - it takes on the "religious" tone and expresses matters of the soul. However, I can't completely buy into it. It's aesthetically pleasing and moving, but it isn't anything truly meaningful. It's not some primordial method of meditation or purgation. It is what it is: a folk art.

Awake, My Soul: The Story of The Sacred Harp

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I turned around
and saw the sky
how it lay sleeping
how I saw the
gray ages
until a needle fell
and a squirrel
hid away
and the motor
of time brought
the sky to its feet
how it moved upon me
and made the air
cold and merciful

the orange--
it revealed
--the world
lifted its petticoat
and it danced
a morning
so blue.

Monday, July 20, 2009


in the enormity of
great evil
of great squalor
and great pain
one can witness the
enormity of God
for God is not only the
creator of the things
which make us happy
and peaceable
but he creates the things
that divide us apart,
wreck our lives,
and spoil our efforts
He is the author of good and evil
He is the author of our deaths
He is the author of all things
and for that
He is greater than any god preached on the earth.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


It is not "me"
for I am nothing
to the outside world
this is insanity
but were you to walk
in my shoes
you would feel the same
that the only thing worth
is the death
of "self"
the tide rushing back
into the many waters
to reveal
the Christ
the One and Only
the only thing
that has ever been
and ever will be
and that my darkness
has been a creation of God's
so that Christ would
reign in Light
for me to see
that "I" is insanity
that this is all about Christ
and slowly yet surely
I am becoming The Christ.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

getting there

the old is falling away
like burnt heather
a burst
a crackle
of purple flame
it shows the faces
in the scent
the cedar
and the thyme
and the wool
relics falling
down the water slope
into a sound of rushing waters
that sustains itself for all time
it shows the faces
in the bright sun
in the water's white.


Monday, June 29, 2009


wish i could pack
all my things
and hit the road
by 6am
to reconfigure
bounce out of
the loop

Sunday, May 31, 2009

caught the spirit

Old Time Music is bizarre in that from the outside looking in, all you see are a bunch of musicians playing some really old music (like 1700s, 1800s, etc.) But the reality is actually very different. In the act of playing these tunes, one is not playing in the past, there is a presentness to the music. It is alive NOW. Who cares if it was alive then. It is palpable music in that ordinary people play it and play it together....still. There is something profound in the fact that those old fiddle and banjo tunes have survived for so long - that people have had the interest and the zeal in succeeding generations to learn the tunes, too. Old time music, for those who have caught it, is a very accessible music for expression. Those old fiddle tunes begin to gain clarity - their feeling understood....whereas before it was just some bowing and some notes. Now you can feel the story of the tune even if there's no words at all. There is a spirit attained. Everyone grasps the spirit differently. And yet they gather together in large flocks to share the same. I once heard somebody describe a circle of old time musicians as in "communion" - their heads bowed, eyes closed, etc. Sometimes the playing is raucous and full of jubilation. After a while, one forgets what their fingers are doing and...... I think I have no choice now but to accept that there is something supremely special about it all.

Bizarre that music evolves, and yet old time is evolving at such a slower rate over time, though it evolved into OTHER forms of music that followed it: blues, "country", etc. Perhaps it is evolving in its own circle so slowly because of its distinction. There actually is an element of preservation to the music. But that preservation is not stuffy nor scholarly. It is a preservation based out of admiration and respect for those who came before us and loved the tunes the way we do.


Sunday, May 17, 2009


i once had such romantic visions of what life should be. Life should be learning how to make a fiddle from an old Firefox Series book. Life should be a wife and kids. Life should be the quiet of Springy piedmonts and dilapidated barns. Life should be big tables and big meals. Life should be dancing and more dancing.

I was reading the last chapter of the cookbook "Raw Food Gourmet" - sort of my last contemplation on the matter. The name of the chapter is "Raw Spirituality".....and by the end of the first paragraph I realized this woman is totally deceived. In essence, her brand of raw fooding (to acheive less toxic distraction to get closer to God) is a religion unto itself. The Raw Food religion. Where staying raw is the tribulation. Where one is purified by what goes into their mouths. Then I realized this is not so uncommon. In fact, man was designed to do these sorts of things - to seek for Truth in the wrong places. To think something is truth when it is a lie.

All I could feel after reading this woman's heartfelt and genuine expression of how raw food is a responsible spiritual decision was great sadness.

But then again, those Springy piedmonts and those bright-eyed frolics only coerce sadness, too nowadays. Not the earlier excitement, deep-seated contentment. Not the previous feelings of being vivified.

King Solomon says so many times that it is all meaningless. And I can't help but agree. The more I see how blind I am, the more I see how ALL OF THIS has nothing to do with this. All of this has everything to do with the things of the Spirit. All of my physical dependencies, my exterior idols, my strong attachments to the "things of this world" are beginning to rise to the surface. This sadness I feel is, honestly, the realization that I have to let go of the world and the things of it. Because in my deepest of hearts I know that to attach to the temporal is futile and meaningless.....but to strive for the things of the Spirit - THAT is what lasts. Anything else is death.

I will not find nirvana in etc. etc. etc.

Nirvana can't be what I seek.

Because Nirvana is the extinguishing of the flame because the day has come.


Life is what I seek - a Truth which extends beyond emotion or aesthetics. I seek a Truth which I feel is only in Christ. that is what I have known in the Word of God. A Truth that latches onto me. Not the fleeting joy of some Berwald Quartet in a sunlit parlor. Not in the recognition in my best friend's face or their familiar voice. Not in my readiness to do something.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I slept

Someone once told me that God works when we are sleeping
that dreams are God's way of dealing out our fates
Job, Daniel, Solomon, etc.
I realized today that I haven't slept in a very long time
And by "very long time" I mean years upon years.
I grew so tired that I deemed this new sorry state to be normal
or just what it feels like to get older and more jaded
But now I know that I am just tired.

Three years ago I was given a dream
wherein a demon was sent to roam about me
a la Job
a dream that would torment me for a long time
and would fulfill these words of Scripture:

"I applied my heart to inquiring and exploring by wisdom concerning all that is done under the heavens:it is an experience of evil Elohim has given to the sons of humanity to humble them by it." Ecclesiastes 1:13

"Yahweh said to Satan, From where are you coming? Then Satan answered Yahweh and said, From going to and fro in the earth and from walking about in it." Job 1:17

Someday I will know and appreciate "only in looking back"
the evil experience God has given me
and to someday learn how to rejoice in the Truth that
God really does work ALL things according to His own will.
To know that God gives us these tormenting experiences out of love.

I have wondered these three years when God would release me
from this prison
and, perhaps, there are still more years to come....
I don't know....
but today
the rain's been pouring
for the first time in a long time
and I felt that I could maybe
begin to move on
and walk away
I was lying in bed thinking,
"If I could put my body through some kind of a meat-grinder or LaLane Juicer and rid myself of this demon I WOULD."
But that choice is not given me.
No level of want can create any change.

I think life must be a series of these.
Periods of waiting and waiting
and waiting.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


today I smelled the Spring air for the first time in a millenia -
I took my french pressed coffee out to the yard and planted the herbs for the restaurant. Just cool enough and just enough sun. Planted the basil, the dill, the rosemary, the mint, and the cilantro. My rainbow chard from the Fall is still going strong with no watering through the Winter. I figured they'd be dead through the Winter, but they never really died....they truly are a hardy Winter green (but I guess that's not saying much living in Houston). I refreshed the soil from the Fall. By now, the organic matter had really decomposed. Found earth worms as big as pencils turning a phosphorant green color. It was beautiful. Picked the weeds. Turned over the soil. Emptied the old water catcher. Showered them with water. Washed my hands.

Monday, March 23, 2009

I don't want you Bohemia
I don't want you Suburbia
I don't want you Third World
I only want this purple night
this dead dark path
this stone kicked over